Monday, March 10, 2008

My top 10 favourite Shows

This is a list of my favourite shows. The general qualification is that they are things I have started watching within the last couple years so old goodies such as the great rewatchable 80s -90s sitcoms such as Seinfeld, Friends, Fresh Prince, Family Matters, Saved by the Bell don't qualify. I urge my fellow bloggers bougie,jose and dan to follow suit.

Honorable Mentions: The first 5 seasons of 24 were awesome but the last one was so bad i dindt even care enough to watch the last 3 episodes/3 hours of the day to find out what happened. Also the first season of Prison Break was awesome...I still watch it but damnit nothing ever gets solved and its being stretched out way too much. Also shout out to OC and degrassi

10. Six Feet Under
I just finished the last season in pretty much 2 days and I probably wouldn't have included it if it didn't end so damn well. The last episode was amazing and it showed how every character eventually dies and pretty much shows up to 70 years into the future. The show is pretty damn depressing overall but its HBO and they can do no wrong.

9. Arrested Development

Definitley the most clever, funniest sitcom since Seinfeld which doesnt make my list because I tried to keep it more recent. Every character pretty much is hilaroius in this show and it's good to see the character of George Michael live on in movies like Juno and Superbad. I also hear
it will probably be made into a movie which would be awesome if they can make it as funny as the show.

8. The Real World and Real World Challenges
I don't know where I woudl be now if we didn't discover The Real World Austin on Rogers on Demand and subsequently powered through that season and watched many others including Las Vegas, Key West, Denver and Sydney, which was probably the best and craziest season of the real world yet. If it wasn't for these seasons I would never know the great characters such as Wes, Tyree, Alton, Irulan, Frank, Svetlana, Johanna, Melinda, Isaac, Cohutta etc etc. And if it wasn't for the amazing real world-road rules challenges I would never know the insane C.T. I hope to someday find the Paris season so I can see what a fucking nut job he probably was on that.

7. Flavor of Love 2

Possibly the show I have rewatched the most. Amazing characters such as Like Dat, Bootz, Sumthin' (who shit her pants in the house and it leaked out on the floor and he "still kept her ass"),
New York, Deeelishious, Buckee, Buck Wild, Beautiful,Krazy and of course Pay-Shintz. This is the most ridiculous show I have ever watched and has the most ridiculous people ever on it.
Can't Wait for season 3.

6. Weeds

This show has an awesome premise and crazy shit and hilarity often insues. I don't have much more to say about it just a generally awesome show.

5-1 coming up later

1 comment:

Bougie Baby said...

If I hadn't just written a novel about the wire, I'd do this right away, as it stands, it will have to wait for this evening.